Tom and Jerry came to blows when they were invited to a party.
当汤姆和杰瑞应邀参加宴会时, 两人打了起来。
US soldier walks past cartoon characters Tom and Jerry painted on the wall of a shop during a patrol in southwestern Baghdad's Amil district September 26, 2008.
Let's watch Tom and Jerry then.
Tom and Jerry are very funny.
They even named the satellites Tom and Jerry.
Tom and Jerry stuck together in the war.
Kids, Tom and Jerry is on , come over here , quick.
Over the next 17 years, they made many Tom and Jerry cartoons.
接下来的 17 年间,他们制作出了很多集《鼠》动画片。
The first Tom and Jerry cartoon was shown in cinemas in 1940. It was a great success.
最早的《鼠》动画片于 1940 年在电影院上,了巨大的成功。
" Tom and Jerry" is on in ten minutes.
Yeah, yeah, like Tom and Jerry are best friends.
是啊 你们的友谊像卡通里的鼠一样。
" Tom and Jerry hated one another." Basically, the meaning is the same.
" Tom and Jerry hated each other." Now, I'm not sure how old some of you are.
But " as did Tom and Jerry" -- the verb came first, the subject came second -- very formal.
但是“就像鼠一样” ——动词在前, 主语在后——非常正式。
" Tom and Jerry hated each other." Tom hated Jerry, Jerry hated Tom; the feeling was reciprocal.
That's something you'd see Tom and Jerry eat, because it's got the little holes in it.
那是你会看到汤姆杰瑞吃的东西, 因为它上面有小洞。